blaster enyos are terribawful solo boats because everything in the universe can stay out of range of them. but i still think they are still totally ace spaceships cos they go boom. plus they're the only af with a tracking bonus so thats p sweet
everyone loves rifters because they are the best spaceship i drew one and used it on a killboard banner i did for my corp (altho we're not actually a corp, we're a kru)
o/ hallo my name is sassy b and i like to blow up spaceships and draw pictures of spaceships and sometimes i draw pictures of spaceships blowing up other spaceships. i will be posting some of the pictures i draw of spaceships on this blog thing. if u think they are totaly sweet then pls leave comments, and also if you're a spacerich philanthropist pls feel free to send me gifts of space money. ok thats enough writing i am not ernast hemangway or sum shit like that